Showing posts with label 49. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 49. Show all posts


a little glimmer of hope. In the days following the hurricane I walked the city seeing damage in Red Hook, the Gowanus, the West Village and the Chelsea art gallery district. I tried and tried to create a series of works that explained my feelings about this tragic event but I was unable to make my emotions into art. So I created a simple project of a pair of golden or silver wings that represent the bravery, resilience and optimism of New York. The 2 inch long wings are cast liquid plastic painted gold or silver with green, red, orange or blue highlights. Attached to an orange snippet of string they hang by magnets. On verso is the series title and an art sticker. 

If you see one of these works, in the city, on this blog or on twitter, and if you can afford it, make a donation to the Red Cross or another charity to help out our fellow New Yorkers. Tell me about your donation here, send me your address via email and I will send you a little glimmer of hope in the mail.